Hard to notice...but the swirl over Wisconsin is the instigator for a storm along The New Eng. coast this weekn which will keep that area soggy. Tropical disturbance is SW GUlf of Mexico will result in heavy rains for So. Fla. late week.
Low over Great Lakes will be the wet weather makes for
Northeast this week. Stalled front and tropical moisture the problem for So. Fla.
Northeast this week. Stalled front and tropical moisture the problem for So. Fla.
Map above is for Friday. Notice low still over New England but on it's way out. Tropical low over Western Cuba resulting in the rainy Florida weather.
Amounts of rain thru this Saturday. Notice ...3 corners of the Nation get the most rain with the exception of The Southwest....where they need it the most.
Hurricane center watching the 2 areas above. Area off Africa may move west but no chance coming too far west.
Area over SW Gulf will head east and in time this could form into a tropical system. For now...be safe....later.
Area over SW Gulf will head east and in time this could form into a tropical system. For now...be safe....later.