If you look for the colors...you'll know why California will be getting much needed rain. Notice the storm off the California coast just churning away. It's the gear pulling up the moisture. Will that storm move east in whole or in part ?
The answer will determine as to whether a winter storm could be in the making for the U.S.
The answer will determine as to whether a winter storm could be in the making for the U.S.
Map above is current. Front from Texas to N. Carolina will produce unsettled weather in the east right into this weekend.
Map above is valid from Dec. 7 to 11th - depicts how temperatures will average. The entire country above....
get that Christmas shopping done. Below....map shows how temperatures will average thru Dec. 15th.....and again...well above normal. Be safe....later.
get that Christmas shopping done. Below....map shows how temperatures will average thru Dec. 15th.....and again...well above normal. Be safe....later.